Writing documentation or website content

We assume you have cloned a version of the qucat repository to your machine.

The source code for the documentation is located in the /docs_src/source folder. The built documentation is stored locally in the /docs/ folder. Through GitHub Pages, the website (qucat.org) always matches the contents of the /(root)/ folder of the gh-pages branch. The website can be previewed locally by opening the /docs/index.html file with a web browser.

In order to edit the documentation/website one should thus follow these steps

  • edit the reStructuredText files located in /docs_src/source

  • build the documentation by running the build_docs.py script

  • check the changes locally by opening the /docs/index.html file with a web browser

  • push the code to the GitHub repository. Note that the /docs/ folder is not pushed to the GitHub repository

  • once the code is pulled into the master branch, a GitHub Action will build the website and push the new /docs/ folder to the root of the gh-pages branch, which will automatically update the website.

Do not make changes to the gh-pages branch directly, as it is automatically updated by the GitHub Action.

Building the documentation, and editing the tutorials or the documentation of the functions requires specific instruction given below.

Building the documentation

The documentation can be built by running the build_docs.py script.

Some details about the build process: we use Sphinx to build the html content for the website from the reStructuredText (.rst) files located in /docs_src/source. This build process is configured through the /docs_src/source/conf.py. Information on sphinx, on reStructuredText and the configuration file can be found online, notably here.


Building the docs requires pandoc, and the pip-installable packages sphinx, nbsphinx, recommonmark, sphinx_rtd_theme

Editing class or function documentation

One advantage of using Sphinx, is that it can extract docstrings from the source-code (located in the src folder) and turn it into elegant html documentation of a class or function.

As an example for classes, inserting the following code in the reStructuredText file of one of the documentation pages

.. autoclass:: qucat.C

will produce the content of the page Capacitor.

Here :members: and :inherited-members: indicates that we also want to display information about the class methods and inherited methods. One can similarly include documentation for functions using .. automodule::, more details on the topic can be found here.

Since the automatic documentation has already been set up for all QuCAT classes, any public modules added to existing classes by a contributor, and correctly commented, will thus be automatically included in the documentation website after their pull request is merged into the master branch. Details about how to write good docstrings which lead to such documentation can be found at Commenting and docstrings.

Note that one can also create a private module, which will not be included in the documentation, by prepending the name of the function by an underscore.

Editing the tutorials

The tutorials featured on the website correspond to jupyter notebooks located in the docs_src/source/tutorials folder.

In order to edit a tutorial

  • Open a tutorial in docs_src/source/tutorials, edit and save it

In order to add a new tutorial

  • Add your jupyter notebook to the docs_src/source/tutorials folder.

  • Edit the docs_src/source/tutorials/index.rst file by adding the name of your notebook to the existing list

In both cases, subsequently

  • Build the documentation by running the build_docs.py script

  • Preview your changes by opening the /docs/index.html file with a web browser

  • Make a pull request: your changes will be visible on the website when merged to the master branch

If you are adding a new tutorial, you may want to include it in the set of tests QuCAT performs each time a change is made to the code, see Unit testing.